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KanPiek Tax Litigation is a law firm specialising in conflict resolution with the Dutch tax authorities and legal assistance in tax proceedings.
We do not provide tax advice, but offer high-quality legal assistance in tax related disputes. Preferably we solve your problem out of court. If necessary, however, we will take your case up to the Supreme Court.
Criminal tax proceedings
A visit of the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD) always comes at a bad time. What are your rights and duties in case of a criminal investigation? The attorneys of our firm combine the knowledge of tax and criminal law, essential for a successful defence in criminal tax proceedings.
Collection, execution and tax liability
The collector of the Dutch tax authorities is responsible for the collection of tax debts and has extensive legal powers. We provide assistence in disputes about the deferment of payment, attachments, distressed sale and civil law proceedings. We further advice in tax liability proceedings such as directors liability, recipients liability and vicarious tax liability.
Tax audits and tax proceedings
Our firm is specialized to supervise a tax audit and to succesfully set up a tax proceedings. What information are you required to provide to the Dutch tax authortities, who has the burden of proof? We offer expertise and assistance in case of an objection, administrative appeal proceedings, cassation, tax penalty, preliminary injunction and the voluntary disclosure scheme.
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